JPL Live the Legend Wiki

Isla Sorna[]

Length: 30 feet
Height: 13 feet
Weight: 3 tons

Isla Nublar[]

Length: 24 feet
Height: 11 feet
Weight: 1 ton

The most obvious case of Nublar’s dwarfism, the Parasaurolophus on the island have traded their size for greater speed and a much more hyperactive breeding routine. Nublar’s Parasaurolophus breed faster and more often, and have enhanced agility; but are less than half the size of their Sorna relatives. They are a popular food source among Nublar's carnivores.


Male: A pale brown body with a white or cream underside. Dark brown stripes run horizontally in pairs or in threes along the top of the back on each side of the body, running from the back of the head leading all the way down to the tip of the tail, as well as several stripes on the backs of the thighs. The crest is also a dark brown, however the entire head and neck gains a vibrant red tint during the breeding season.
Female and juvenile (both sexes): Overall a duller version on the male; the whole body is of mottled browns (still with the striping) and the underside is merely a little lighter in colour than the rest of the body.

Diet: Parasaurolophus’ batteries of grinding teeth can handle practically all vegetation on the island, so it will eat any plant matter that they come in contact with.

Preferred Habitat: Open spaces, preferably with a nearby water source.

Social Structure: Highly sociable, with large herds.

Parasaurolophus is one of the most distinctive dinosaurs due to its spectacular tube-shaped crest, up to two meters long and protruding from the back of the head. This crest allows the dinosaur to produce a loud trombone-like sound, which is produced constantly by the herd in order to reassure and keep individuals close. Calls warning of danger are somewhat louder and higher in pitch. The young lack crests at birth.

Aggressiveness is virtually non-existant among these hadrosaurs, as conflicts are solved quickly by size exhibitions and deafening sound contests. Parasaurolophus are among the noisiest of dinosaurs on Isla Sorna. Together with Corythosaurus and Anatotitan, their herds are known to sound like an out-of tune orchestra.

Parasaurolophus are very sociable herbivores, often intermixing with other hadrosaurs as well as Gallimimus. Some Parasaurolophus herds have even formed symbiotic partnerships with groups of sauropods, such as Brachiosaurus. The Parasaurolophus, with their better eyesight, keep on the lookout for predators, while the sauropods repay their smaller companions by protecting them with their immense size and strength.

When attacked, Parasaurolophus herds stampede. Predators may decide to abandon the hunt if the risk of being trampled is too great.

For more information, see: Parasaurolophus walkeri (S/F)

